How to Help Your Preschoolers Handle the Move
Posted on 24/03/2010
As young as they are, your preschoolers have already established a life. They have their own set of friends. They go to their own schools. And most importantly, they have grown accustomed to your current home that living in a different house could cause a sense of panic in them. But you would have to calm them down and patiently explain everything to them. To even make them relate to what you are saying, you could read to them books like Mr. Rogers Moving. And while explaining the move to your kids, make sure you make it sound like an adventure or a vacation. Tell them about things that could make them excited. For instance, if there is a theme park in the same city you could promise to take them there. Tell them about your new home as well. For example, you should tell them about the design of their new room. You should also pack the kids' rooms last so they won't feel displaced or sad while still in your current home. But when you get to your new home, make it a point to setup their rooms first. This will help them get settled faster and adjusted to your new home. To get a great start you could have a surprise ready for them in their rooms. And while traveling be sure to give them their favorite toys so they will be occupied. This will serve are their comfort object until they are well adjusted to your move. Of course, what would really help them enjoy your new home is having some new friends so encourage them to make new friends right away.